Tailored Research. Trusted Results.
house of marketing research
Custom market research designed to deliver strategic insights
Serving Pasadena, Los Angeles, and Nationwide
Focus Groups - Online or Offline - Focus Group Recruiting - Focus Group Moderation
And Much More!
What is your objective?
- Focus groups
- In-depth interviews
-in-store interviews
Our Pasadena/Los Angeles facility is now re-open for in-person research. We are not limited to a facility and can set up focus groups wherever your consumers live.
- Surveys
- hybrid quant/qual
- in-store intercepts
- taste testing
Whether you seek data from attitude, awareness, or usage surveys or customer satisfaction, our goal is to bring meaningful results.
online methods
- bulletin boards
- focus groups
- chat based groups
- online interviews
From recruiting the right respondents to managing all the details, our experienced project team will support you every step of the way.
multicultural RESEARCH
- chinese
- filipino
- korean
- vietnamese
- Japanese
We specialize in Asian and Hispanic research. Our multicultural and multilingual capabilities connect you to some of the most thriving ethnic groups in Southern California and nationwide.
Discover the research that garners insights and
drives actions for you!

diverse and national recruiting
Language include; Mandarin, Cantonese, Tagalog, Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese.
human understanding
research during
covid-19 pandemic
House of Marketing Research has expanded our online research offerings.
We can provide our clients the best advice and guidance on the right online platform and select the
best respondents for the research needed. Our proactive project managers along with technical support will work to make
sure your online research study is a success.
Customized research to
achieve your goals
contact us!
2555 East Colorado Blvd.
Suite 205
Pasadena, CA 91107
(01) 626.486.1400